Monday, July 18, 2005

World Class Recognition

It's funny how things work out sometimes. I have worked in the awards business for 10 years, and made hundreds of football trophies. Most of the time they were very simple, a sculpture with an engraved plate. Once in a while, I would get lucky and be asked to make something really special.

I started making Fantasy Football Trophies by accident. A few years ago, I met a guy in a fantasy league. He mentioned that they had a trophy, and when I saw it, I had to laugh. I ended up making a trophy for that league, and the word spread. I made quite a few trophies that first year, and in the process had a great time.

The Fantasy Football leagues are great to work with. They have a great sense of humor, and don't take themselves too seriously. The league names are absolutely hilarious. I take great pride in the Fantasy Football trophies I make, and I hope it shows. I hope you will stop by Sculpture Alley and check them all out!

Here are few of my favorites:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take time to read though this blog. Several valid points are made and help to educate those who are looking for something special. I have been impressed at the active particpation by Bungalow Fever and the effort to make sure everything was understood and correct before starting the work.