Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Consider your options when buying a Fantasy Football Trophy Part 1

So you're thinking about buying a Fantasy Football Trophy? Perhaps you were the winner this year, and want to make your accomplishments part of the league history. Maybe you spotted something cool to put on the table at the draft, and along with the cash, the winner receives your great find.

Whatever your motivation, there are many different kinds of trophies available, and a few things to keep in mind when shopping.

Starter leagues might want a simple and inexpensive trophy, one that can be passed from winner to winner each year. Choices abound in the inexpensive category, most are a traditional style trophy, but there are some nice choices available without breaking the bank.

Bobbleheads are very popular, although I've never understood the fascination. Cheaply made, these types of trophies are not meant to last, planned obsolescence suggests that you break this trophy in a certain amount of time, and return to purchase another.

Check the measurements of any item you are interested in. The lowest priced trophies can be tiny, and might wind up being a joke trophy for your league. Imagine the space where you would display the trophy, something 3 or 4 inches high would be lost even on a desk.

Watch out for the $3.00 trophy. I've seen some dealers mounting a piece of trim on a small base and selling that. Trim is something meant to be used as an embellishment or additional decoration on a larger item. It is way too small and inconsequential to be used as the focal point of a trophy.

Looking at a trophy that is super low priced? Send me a link, and I'll tell you what it's really like, and what it's really worth.

Here are a few of my favorite lower priced trophies, both available for under $13.00 (including the one shown at the top of this post!)

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