Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fantasy Football Trophies Engraving Part 3

One of the great features of a fantasy football perpetual trophy is that you can update it every year with the league winner. On a fantasy football trophy equipped with detail plates, you simply detach a plate and take it to your local engraver with the winner's information.

Individual detail plates are generally not very large, and some consideration should be given as to exactly what will be included on the plates, so there is a consistent appearance to the plates year after year. Click on the detail plate pictures in this post to get a better view.

The less text on the plate, the bigger it will be. I suggest no more than 3 lines for a detail plate, with a max of 20 characters per line, and even 20 characters is pushing it a bit.

Some of the most popular information to include on a detail plate is:

1. Year
2. Team Name
3. Owner's Name
4. Season Score

A good layout would be:

Bubba's Bombers
Jim Glass
Some fantasy football leagues that have been around for a while, and have many past winners elect to do "list style" engraving. Rather than use the little detail plates, I make large plates for the side, and engrave the information in a line. While I personally like the look of detail plates, for some leagues this is a better option.
As with anything in life, there are pros and cons to list style engraving. On the positive side, you can fit more winners on the side of the fantasy football trophy. If you have quite a few engravings, it looks cool.

On the down side, if you don't have many winners, or whole plates that are not engraved, it can make the trophy look empty.

Also, yearly updates can be more expensive. It can be difficult to match the exact font (unless the same engraver made the first engraving) and to get the line in the exact position. For this reason, many engravers will just redo the entire plate, and that's where the expense comes in.
Detail plates are also covered with clear tape that protects them from scratching. It is removed prior to engraving. With list style plates, the tape has been removed, so care must be used when transporting it to the engraver.

Please feel free to ask any questions, and check out my Fantasy Football Trophies at Sculpture Alley!